Foghorn (A Call to Action!)
- Stop raising awareness already (and start translating information into action).
- Scott Pruitt still has a job [As of 16:59 on 4/8/2018 ~Ed.]. A Running List of Wild Shit Scott Pruitt Hasn’t Been Fired For (Yet).
- What to up you outreach skills? Sign up for Andrew Lewin’s Podcasting for Environmental Communications course.
Flotsam (what we’re obsessed with right now)
- Smart phones. As you know I have a love/hate relationship with tech and the resources needed to fuel our increasingly demanding hardware. Now, we’ve got the most clear picture yet of the impact of smartphones on the environment and it’s not pretty.

The Levee (A featured project that emerged from Oceandotcomm)
- Knitting *and* environmental justice? Sign me up! Stitching Hope for the Coast: Creative pieces that celebrate coastal optimism for Louisiana.