Southern Fried happenings from the weekend of April 24, 2010.
On Friday, a Great Horned Owl was driven into the water by a flock of gulls at the Duke Marine Lab. I posted a few picture of it on my twitter feed – The Owl and The Owl Rescuer.
XKCD rocked the marine science world with this cartoon.
More from twitter, in a discussion of the four biggest transitions in evolution, I posted this comment:
@drisis rewind the tape and mollusks could have easily replaced vertebrates, but not without the diversity that sex gives us
To which @archymk responded with:
@SFriedScientist @drisis I present, The Super Mollusk!! Look on him (or her, I can’t tell) and tremble in awe!!

For anyone wondering about the Tree Crab reference in that discussion, answers can be found here.
And since we always need more science, here’s some old-school MC Hawking:
As always, follow us on twitter @SFriedScientist, @WhySharksMatters, and @bgrassbluecrab.
~Southern Fried Scientist