I’m going to try something new this summer. Every Wednesday we’ll post an open thread where you can ask questions, start discussions, post links to interesting articles, or just say “Hi”.

Today’s open thread sponsored by Luna, the Nigerian Dwarf Goat.
Al Dove has a great piece up on Deep Sea News about how satellite tags work – http://deepseanews.com/2012/06/fishy-phone-home/
Carl Safina has an article at Huffpost on Norwegian whaling – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carl-safina/they-left-usbones_b_1569589.html?ref=tw
And here’s a great, approachable YouTube series by the author of Earth: an operator’s manuel on how to talk to climate change deniers – How to talk to an ostrich – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rrk4JNHXdM
Anyone up in DC for Capital Hill Ocean Week?
I’ll toss a little shameless self-promotion up here. Check out my newest post on how fisheries management done wrong can ruin ecosystems: http://yalikedags.southernfriedscience.com/?p=1017
Some interesting parallels between Italy’s management in the 80s and Canada’s current proposal to limit habitat protections to “useful” species: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Canadian+scientists+slam+weakening+federal+Fisheries/6691159/story.html
And unfortunately, I’m in NC for Ocean Week, where they celebrate by trying to legislate what the ocean can do.